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Cabaret: “Princes! Princesses! & Popstars!” (In-person)

4200 Campbell Ave
Arlington, 22206 United States
May 8, 2023
7:10 pm - 8:30 pm
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Join us for the ArtStream Virginia Cabaret’s performance of “Princes! Princesses! & Popstars!” starring some of our very own OSG friends!

Meeting up: Since the show starts at 7:30pm, we will meet in the lobby of Signature Theatre at 7:10pm for anyone who wants to find seats nearby each other.

To prepare: Registering with OSG is not enough to attend this event. You MUST purchase tickets for the show directly from ArtStream’s website.

If you have any questions, please contact claudet@ourstompingground.org or message the OSG Events Whatsapp group.
