Roosevelt Island Clean-up
George Washington Memorial Pkwy
Rosslyn, VA 22209 United States
Rosslyn, VA 22209 United States
- Date:
- December 10, 2021
- Time:
10:00 am - 11:00 am
- Event Categories:
- Outdoor, Regular Programming
We’re firm believers that community extends beyond the people in our lives – it also encompasses the world we live in and our individual impact on the environment. To that end, please join us as we work together to clean up Roosevelt Island- one of D.C.’s jewels. This is a great opportunity to learn about this historical landmark, create new friendships, and protect our community.
Please sign up below so we know who’s in attendance. Thanks!
Details for attending:
We will meet in front of the bridge before heading over to the island. Trash bags, gloves, and garbage pickers will be provided by the amazing park ranger. It is required at the park for everyone to wear a mask. Remember to dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes.
A note about weather:
If it’s rained recently and the park is muddy or it’s muddy the day of, we’ll try to send an email but assume the event is canceled.
Contact info: For questions and to communicate with the group, please click here to join the Roosevelt Island WhatsApp group.