Pete & Independent Living

Featured Member

Meet Pete

Independent living means a variety of things to an adult with a developmental disability.


Pete Scampavia, 33, has been living independently for over 5 years. After attending George Mason University, Pete decided he wanted to live on his own and enjoy the independence many take for granted. Today he shares an apartment with his roommate, works at a grocery store, takes public transport to work, has a girlfriend he loves to text, is learning to manage his bills, and regularly attends OSG events of which his favorite is the Monday Young Adults Monday social group.

Sign up for our Monday young adults social group here.

When speaking with Pete, we asked him what he enjoyed most about living on his own, to which he replied, “the freedom.” Freedom to go out when he wants, make his own friends and decisions, and live his own life.

For others wanting to live independently, Pete recommends getting a roommate as a companion and using a calendar to manage bills.

What great advice and an inspiring story – thank you, Pete!

If you or someone you know is interested in independent living, please check out our accessing housing page, and be on the lookout in our events page for information about our future communities.

Adult with developmental disability living in his own apartment
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