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Game Night at the Waypoint 11/13 (In-Person)

2451 Menokin Dr
Alexandria, VA 22302 United States
November 13, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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You’re invited to an evening of games galore! Join our Waypoint community to play board games and video games!

Meet up: This event will be taking place in the community room on the first floor of the Waypoint. When you arrive, please message the OSG Events Whatsapp group to request access to the locked building.

To prepare: You don’t have to bring anything in order to participate, but, you’re welcome to bring your own games. Any video games compatible with the Nintendo Switch are especially encouraged.

Contact: We will communicate changes of plans via Whatsapp, so please join the OSG Events Whatsapp group to receive important event updates.

*Note: Sign-up is mandatory. Be sure to RSVP so we know to expect you.
