Events Calendar

Our Stomping Ground offers a variety of programs including book clubs, games nights, art and fitness classes and more. We are always adding new events. Be sure to explore our calendar and register for those programs that are of interest. Some events are open to just residents of a specific community, some are open to residents and Friends of OSG, and others are open to anyone in the Northern VA area.

Autistic Self-Advocates Forum


A recent article about a study examining the connection between dance and autism was published in the Virginia Tech Magazine and included the following statement: "People with autism often lack social skills and struggle to understand others' feelings." Some autistic self-advocates in our community who disagree with this statement are drafting a letter to correct these assumptions made about autistics, and would love for their peers to add their voices to the conversation. An Autistic Self-Advocates Forum will be held… Read More »Autistic Self-Advocates Forum