Events Calendar

Our Stomping Ground offers a variety of programs including book clubs, games nights, art and fitness classes and more. We are always adding new events. Be sure to explore our calendar and register for those programs that are of interest. Some events are open to just residents of a specific community, some are open to residents and Friends of OSG, and others are open to anyone in the Northern VA area.

Game Night at the Arden 3/16 (In-Person)

The Arden 2331 Huntington Ave, Alexandria

You're invited to an evening of games galore! Join our Arden community to play board games and video games! To prepare: You don't have to bring anything in order to participate, but, you're welcome to bring your own games. Any video games compatible with the Nintendo Switch are especially encouraged. Meet up: Please meet in the third floor club room at the Arden. A key is needed to enter the building, so please message the Arden Community Whatsapp group upon… Read More »Game Night at the Arden 3/16 (In-Person)